Graphology is a method which is used to determine a person’s personality traits through his/her handwriting analysis. However, this is very much different than handwriting analysis, which is used to determine if a signature has been forged by others. 

As per some of the top astrologers in India, graphology can be used very wisely to guide your child and also to predict if your marriage life would be happy. Nowadays, this technique is also used among companies to shortlist an employee based on their handwriting – which is proving to be very costly among the job seekers.

During the latter part of 1990, many American associations used graphology as a tool in their hiring process, manpower testing and motivation and it is believed that they are continuing this till date. As per the Wall Street Journal in 1988, around 80% of the companies in Western Europe hired handwriting experts on a full-time basis to implement graphology in their HR procedures. Bad recruitment can incur high cost and they can even hurt the company to a great extent – that’s why the companies are putting a great amount of effort to hire employees after performing a total screening of their personality traits.

Scientific Analysis of Graphology

The idea is based on the accompanying reason: penmanship examination works, as penmanship is the brain writing. The composing instrument, for example, a pen or pencil is simply a device, which is coordinated through the arms development, impulse by the cerebral cortex. The message is conveyed through the sensory system to your arm and hand muscles, which spur the pen to compose. 
While examining testing of penmanship, graphologists think about certain declarations, including: 
- The individual's self-image is constantly dynamic when they are composing, even though the degree of action can change, contingent upon the degree of exertion the author is excerpting. 
- The solid developments associated with composing, which constrained by the focal sensory system can be changed by the dynamical framework's standards. 
- An individual's composing can be altered, on the off chance that they experience an adjustment in their focal sensory system, be it transient or long haul. 
- An individual's feelings and muscle solidness influence their penmanship.

Handwriting Characteristics

Graphology accepts that an individual that has cursive and quick composing is arranged towards results, has amazing relational abilities and is generally appropriate for deals or front office occupations. If an individual has disengaged letters, they are computing, and these characteristics are valuable for arranging purposes, which means they are appropriate for the executive's occupations. A competitor with little letters is a snappy scholar, and their qualities are helpful for behind the stage employments and research organizations. 

Different attributes which graphologists decipher are the accompanying: 


- Passionate expressiveness is recommended by a forward inclination 
- Enthusiastic withdrawal is demonstrated by a regressive inclination 
- The enthusiastic restriction is determined by upstanding letters 

Points of Lines on Unlined Paper 

- Good faith is shown by an upward inclination 
- Low vitality is proposed by a descending inclination 

Different Shape of the Strokes 

- A nice nature is recommended by round penmanship 
- Hostility and high vitality are demonstrated by precise composition 
- Common sense is determined by square penmanship 
- Inventiveness is appeared by unpredictable strokes 

Weight or Pressure

The more weight that is applied, the more serious the author's feelings, and the more elevated level of pressure they are encountering

Why Use Graphology as a Manpower Selection Tool

Graphology can help the job seekers to highlight their positive energy or positive personality traits to the employers that cannot be highlighted through some other methods. Sometimes one can get nervous and cannot answer a question in an interview, but, through graphology, we can reveal our brain activities to the employers that can help in their selection process.
Another very important aspect of graphology is that it can help in the elimination of an undesirable candidate at the very beginning process. Irrespective of the fact that one can get qualified in verbal interview through their qualifications, graphology can determine the negativities in their personality and help the companies to take actions accordingly.


From the above discussion, we can have an idea of how graphology can help in the process of personnel training and recruitment. However, graphology requires a dedicated professional to implement that properly. In case this is implemented properly, this technique can create wonders whether it is about identifying the personality traits for your child, about recruitment of personnel or about identifying your marriage related issues. Consult some of the great graphologists in India to know more about graphology today.